DIY Foraging fun for your Parrots!

Birdie Bagel, Crinkle Shred and Finger Trap Ring

Birdie Bagel, Crinkle Shred and Finger Trap Ring

The components needed for this toy are Plastic Hoop Finger Traps 1'' Birdie Bagels ย Crinkle Shred Length of Plastic Chain Stainless Steel open O-ring ย  Assemble the bunches of crinkle...

Birdie Bagel, Crinkle Shred and Finger Trap Ring

The components needed for this toy are Plastic Hoop Finger Traps 1'' Birdie Bagels ย Crinkle Shred Length of Plastic Chain Stainless Steel open O-ring ย  Assemble the bunches of crinkle...