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Calcium & Charcoal Bell

Calcium & Charcoal Bell

Regular price $2.99 AUD
Regular price Sale price $2.99 AUD
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Calcium plays a crucial role in preventing soft shells and promoting healthy feather and bone development for your bird. Additionally, it helps naturally trim beaks and provides essential minerals. Easily hang in your bird's cage for convenience.

Charcoal is also beneficial as it sweetens the crop and promotes gut health by aiding digestion and absorbing toxins, ensuring your bird's overall well-being


To properly place the bell in the cage, fold the wire around the cage's wire, ensuring the tip faces outward. This not only secures the bell but also helps prevent any potential injuries to your bird.

Once bell is gone, remove wire from cage.




Products may development small pieces and should be inspected daily and removed if damaged or broken.

It is the buyers responsibility to ensure the wire hook is safely attached to the cage to prevent injury to the bird

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